Celebration Of Rev. Dr Noah Quarshie and Mrs Quarshie’s Golden Wedding Anniversary / 50th Anniversary

The Quarshie family, Grace Baptist Mission Ghana, and the brethren in Ghana are saying with the apostle Paul THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! We are very grateful for all that you did for us this Spring & Summer, you provided transportation, accommodation, food, and donations in various forms; some of you sacrificed your time and strength to load the container all for the furtherance of the ministry. We appreciate all that you did.

50th Anniversary of Marriage. July 20th,1974 to July 20th 2024 We were so busy traveling this summer that we almost forgot our anniversary. A surprise anniversary situation and party was organized during and after the Sunday Service at Grace Baptist Church, N.Y. For us, words cannot express our heartfelt
appreciation. This Christian love is what Christ prayed for in His prayers for us. John 17:20-26. May Christ continue to receive the glory as we serve him.

On our return on the first Lord’s Day August 18th, we had another surprise, Bible Baptist Church also organized a Thanksgiving service inviting friends and loved ones to welcome us back and presented a 50thMarriage Anniversary Citation to us. What can we say but thank you LORD? As the scriptures said, “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes”. Finally, continue to pray for the safe arrival of the shipment of the ministry supplies, it is due to leave the States on August 23rd September 19th
and arrive in Ghana on .2024. We praise and thank the LORD daily for all of you

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